Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Outdoor Education and Wilderness Travel Jobs and Careers
There are a variety of careers and jobs available in the wilderness travel and outdoor industries. Companies who distribute and/or manufacture outdoor apparel, gear, equipment, accessories for enthusiasts, outfitters and professionals and educators offer a huge variety of jobs for those jobseekers with different skill sets. Providing services to these companies are consultants, independent contractors and outside sales reps. Retail stores sell outdoor gear, equipment and apparel. The retailers range from small, locally-owned stores to national chains such as REI or L.L. Bean. Consumers, educational institutions, governments and municipalities and even the military purchase the inventory. In addition, outfitters, instructors and guides, and consumers who purchase the gear and clothing and use it commercially or privately for hiking, trekking camping and general outdoor activities.
Product Designer
Marketing and Sales
Government Agency
Wilderness Medicine
Wilderness Therapy
Experiential Training
Product Distribution
Independent Rep
Camps & Resorts
Adventure Courses
Environmental Ed
Industry Organizations
- Access Fund
- America Outdoors
- American Alpine Club
- American Hiking Society
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Assoc. for Experiential Education
- Big City Mountaineers
- Colorado Fourteeners Intiative
- Colorado Mountain Club
- Continental Divide Trail Alliance, Inc.
- Conservation Alliance
- Leave No Trace
- Pacific Crest Trail Association
- Student Conservation Association
- The Mountaineers
- Washington Trails Association
- Winter Wildands
Executive Search Firms
Outdoor Outside Rep Associations
- EORA - Eastern Outdoor Reps Association
- EWSRA - Eastern Winter Sports Reps Association
- MRA - Midwestern Reps Association
- NEWSR - New England Winter Sports Reps, Inc.
- Outdoor Reps Association, Inc.
- SWRA - Southeastern Winter Reps Association
- WWSRA - Western Winter Sports Reps Association
- United State Reps Association
Trade Shows
Trade Magazines, Newsletters, Directories, Review Sites